FantastiCOF has supported the organization of the Symposium of Porous Materials at the Biannual Meeting of the Spanish Chemical Society

Prof. Aurelio Mateo-Alonso has co-organized the Symposium of Porous Materials at the Biannual Meeting of the Spanish Chemical Society.

  • FantastiCOF on KU Leuven’s Science Day

  • FantastiCOF has supported the organization of the Symposium of Porous Materials at the Biannual Meeting of the Spanish Chemical Society

  • FantastiCOF has supported the organization of the 1st Iberian Symposium on Functional Organic Polymers

  • FantastiCOF on KU Leuven’s Outreach Session

  • FantastiCOF in the newspaper Empresa XXI

  • FantastiCOF in the newspaper Estrategia Empresarial

  • FantastiCOF in the bulletin Guipuzkoa and the European Union

  • FantastiCOF in the newspaper Noticias de Alava

  • FantastiCOF in Campusa Magazine